How long does it take to get through the land use (zoning) system?
Has Portland's adoption of Inclusionary Housing disrupted or influenced these trends?
How long does it take to get through the building code permit system?
Has Portland's adoption of Inclusionary Housing disrupted or influenced these trends?
Where are our existing transportation hubs (MAX Light rail) relative to where new housing is built?
Are developments being built closer to transportation hubs over the years?
Since the last addition to the light rail system in 2015, have new homes been being built to take advantage of them?
How does the st.d curve look by year, over the past 20 years relative to its distance from transportation?
Does breaking it down by quadrant give us better insight to…
How do the experiences of the many applicants creating new homes across Portland vary by ______?
Do the distribution curves for LUR and Bldg permit change by the year? (Is there a trend?)
What percentage of new homes do not need to get through the Land Use System?
Are these homes which are able to skip the first system more expensive homes?
What is the composition of those who end up occupying these homes?
How much do they make?
What is their racial breakdown?
Where are they geographically concentrated?
How far into the future can we accurately predict given Portland’s housing production system?
What percentage of new homes do not need to get through the Land Use System?
Are these homes which are able to skip the first system more expensive homes?
How many units don’t need to go through land use in 2020, 2021, and 2022?
Can we graphically project the delivery of units into the future?
Will the discrepancy between the demand for homes and the supply of new homes decrease?